Beware of Easy Care

Beware of Easy Care Sheets!

What to look for when you’re choosing new bed sheets.

Natural fibres!

Natural fibres!

Natural fibres!

Cotton or linen sheets, most people agree are the best sheets to sleep in. 

We love the relaxed and crumpled look of linen and as busy people, embrace pure clean un-ironed cotton sheets on our beds!   Historically, sheets were of lower quality and creased more easily. Over the years we've improved the construction of our sheets to create high quality, tightly woven sheets that reduce creasing the natural way and look as good as they feel!

A word of warning when you’re buying sheets.

When a sheet is described as wrinkle-resistant it usually either contains a percentage of synthetic fibre such as polyester or has been given a  “ wrinkle-free treatment” which means it has been dipped in chemicals such as a formaldehyde-based resin to coat the fabric and prevent creasing.  Neither process makes the sheets comfortable, or healthy, to sleep in.


The easy-care finishing treatment is designed to cling to the fabric as long as possible, but of course, it gradually rubs off on you whilst you sleep and the toxins can be absorbed by your body through your skin.  And the chemicals are gradually released each time you wash the sheets.  But they don’t disappear, they end up in the greywater and ultimately find their way into the sea and possibly back inside you via the fish that you eat!

Formaldehyde is naturally occurring however exposure to quantities are known to be bad for our health.  As long ago as 1987, the US Environment Protection Agency (EPA) labelled the chemical as a probable human carcinogen.

So when choosing new sheets, we highly recommend you read and understand the small print. Manufacturers use terms to help sell their wrinkle-resistant bedding that disguises the process.

The following terms have alarm bells attached:

Cotton rich  - means it’s not pure cotton and contains a percentage of synthetic fibre.  The same applies to:

80/20 cotton poly

Rich in cotton

Cotton blend

Descriptions such as easy-care cotton sheets,  may not be 100% cotton.  They may include a synthetic percentage and/or have been chemically treated. Also, watch out for:

Wrinkle resistance


Wrinkle, stain and fade resistant




Ecodownunder sheets are either organic cotton, eco cotton or linen. 

 This means they’re produced without the use of synthetics, harsh chemicals and toxic dyes.  They’re not coated in chemicals which allows them to breathe, which makes them so much more comfortable to sleep in. 

Shop for our Signature Eco Cotton Sheets

Shop for Organic Cotton Sheets

Shop for Linen Sheet Sets


Bed Talk!  Do You Need to Iron Your Sheets?
Read our Blog!